Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 6

Today's picture is of Marjorie's engagement ring! Marjorie is one of my best friends and one of my bridesmaids. She got engaged this past Tuesday and we met up today for lunch to celebrate her birthday/engagement. Marjorie was absolutely glowing today as she told me the story of how her fiance proposed. (He did an awesome job and you could tell he put alot of effort into it!) I can't even put into words how very excited I am for her. Marjorie has been with me every step of the way since I got engaged and I am so excited to get to return the favor. Marjorie transferred into JU at the same time as me and during the school year we see more of each other than we do our families I think. I have no idea how I would have survived JU without Marjorie.  This fall we will be student teaching and I am so thankful God has put her in my life so I have someone who understands all the chaos that comes with being an elementary education major. I am so excited that Marjorie and I can share this time in our lives as we move from Miss to Mrs.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 5

Today's picture is a little blurry but it is of Matt and his little sister Gracie playing Wii. One of the things that I love about Matt is his relationship he has with his little sister. Gracie is 10 and I really admire the relationship that the two of them have. They have a very close relationship and at times I think it can be difficult for Gracie to share her oldest brother with someone else. When we first got engaged Gracie cried and really wasn't too excited about the idea of her brother getting married. Later that night I was able to sit and talk with Gracie. I'm not sure if she even remembers that talk but it is one that I will never forget. As I explained to her that I wasn't trying to steal her brother away and that I really was becoming part of their family. I explained that she would be like a little sister to me and that Matt and I both wanted her to be apart of our lives. At the end of our conversation she told me, "Now its ok if you marry my brother. I wouldn't want him to marry anyone else." Knowing their relationship I knew that Gracie had just paid me the highest of compliments.  I love the relationship that continues to build with my future sister in-law as I move from Miss to Mrs.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 4

Today's picture is of the two girls I nanny for, Mary and Katie. At the beginning of the day we had decided that after lunch we would go swimming. As soon as we had changed into our bathing suits the clouds came rolling in and it started to thunder. Obviously, our plans for swimming were canceled. Instead we decided to color. The girls and I decided that they should draw a picture of what they would do if the sun was out. While drawing the pictures Mary said, "Miss Kaysley, maybe this is better because now we won't get sunburnt." This little 6 year old has a better outlook on life than most adults. These two little girls LOVE to swim. It's one of their favorite parts of their day. So when they didn't get to swim today they could have pouted (and they did a little at first) but then they were able to find the positive in the situation. I think about how many times in life I have a situation that doesn't go the way I think it should and it causes me to have a bad day. Maybe God is changing the plans so he can prevent the "sunburns of life". I know this is a lesson I needed to see. Life isn't always about getting what we want. Marriage I believe can be the same way. I know these is a lesson that I can use as a Miss and will continue to work on as a Mrs. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 3

Ok, so if you know me at all you will understand today's picture. Monday nights are my Bachelor/Bachelorette night. I love the drama and the romance. I know there are the haters out there saying its fake and statistically the relationships don't work out. I know, I know. I'm still slightly addicted though. This picture represents so much more than my 8:00-10:00 block of time on Monday nights. It represents a tradition that was started with my future mother in-law in the fall of 2009. The first season of bachelor/bachelorette that started after Matt and I started dating I began watching the show at Matt's house with his mom. It has been a tradition that we have carried on to this very day. We haven't missed an episode thanks to DVR. I have come to look forward to my Monday nights with Mrs. Susan. We talk about the clothes worn the girls wear and who needs to be wearing more, the guys and how can the people not see how fake these people are, to how sweet the dates are and we need to add some of these locations to future vacation spots. Our conversations sometimes even sound like we know these people. Our conversations were based primarily on the show to begin with but as our relationship has grown our conversations have also. We talk about much deeper things now and I have come to enjoy the company and conversation much more than the show. I am so thankful for my future mother in-law and our relationship. I know this is a tradition that will continue from Miss to Mrs. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 2

Today's picture is of me and my sister after a very successful day of shopping for dresses. Carrington was in desperate need of dresses for different upcoming wedding activities as the maid of honor. Today was the first time since before baby Linc that we had really spent a long amount of time together. Our lives have changed so much over the past few years but it has brought us so much closer. Over the next 174 days I really am trying to cherish all the time I have with my family because it will all change as Matt and I begin a new chapter together. The majority of my life I shared a room with my little sister. We have been through broken bones, surgeries, broken hearts, championships, graduations, starting college in a different state, an engagement, a pregnancy, and now wedding planning. As we have gone through these different changes I am so glad to have had her by my side. I couldn't imagine anyone else being my maid of honor. She is absolutely worthy of any title that will possess the attribute of honor. I'm looking forward to special moments we will continue to share as I continue this journey from Miss to Mrs. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 1

Today's picture is a picture of baby Lincoln (Carrington's son) at his Uncle Matt's softball tournament. Lincoln came with Carrington and my mom to support Matt. I am so thankful that both mine and Matt's family are so supportive of us as we move forward in life. It could be something as simple as matt's softball, my starting this blog, or to something bigger such as careers or our future marriage. You hear horror stories of in-laws or future families not getting along. Matt and I are so blessed that our families get along and we fit in so well with each others family. We can look forward to many family get togethers with both sides of the family, something that growing up I didn't get the blessing of sharing in.

Baby Linc didn't get to watch his Uncle Matt play because the atmosphere isn't all that suitable for children. This led me to another chance to thank God. Seeing these grown men who were drinking and using language that was worse than a sailors made me so thankful that I am marrying a man who is classy but more than that living a life that points to Christ. Matt in these situations is a great example of being in the world but not of it. Though he is in the tournament (Thankfully with a team who is about playing softball not drinking or having bad attitudes) he doesn't take part in the "extra" stuff that these tournaments sometimes have. He is given an opportunity to be different and through that difference shine the light of Christ. I am so thankful that God has brought this man into my life and that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

About this Blog

I saw online where a bride blogged everyday for the last 100 days of her engagement. Her blog was mainly about wedding planning and the special events about the wedding. I saw another idea where someone posted a picture a day for 30 days. I decided to combine these two ideas and blog with a picture a day for the next 175 days. It will be a way to celebrate the days leading up to the wedding. It will also be a way to look back at how God worked and moved not only in my life but Matt's and our families. To sum it up it will be a way to show the last 175 days of my journey from Miss to Mrs!